Welcome! We are excited you have chosen Tiga Pediatrics, and Dr. Tosan Oruwairye, "Dr. T" as your personal family doctor. Our family centered pediatric practice is dedicated to providing easily accessible, quality and culturally competent care for children and teens in the Bronx, New York City. We offer a warm and friendly environment where families receive holistic care. Our practice is entirely focused on the health needs of children and teenagers from birth to age 26, and we accept all major insurance.
Tiga Pediatrics is a vaccine friendly facility
Tiga Pediatrics is a vaccine friendly facility

Tiga Pediatric's Five Point Promise
1. Top quality care and comprehensive services for your family
2. Personal attention from "Dr. O"
3. Same day appointments and short wait times
4. Excellent customer service
5. Friendly staff who speak your language
1. Top quality care and comprehensive services for your family
2. Personal attention from "Dr. O"
3. Same day appointments and short wait times
4. Excellent customer service
5. Friendly staff who speak your language
Contact Tiga Pediatrics
Phone: 718-881-8999 Fax: 718-881-1984 Email: [email protected] Location: 3510 Bainbridge Ave | Suite 5 | Bronx, NY | 10467 Parking: Parking Systems Plus Municipal Parking By Train: 2, 4, 5 and D By Bus: 10, 28, 16, 30, 34, 38 Office Hours/Horario de Oficina M-F: 10:00am -5pm | After Hours 5:00pm -7:00pm Sat: 9:00am -12pm *Closed on Sundays* |